per San Valentino. Sono fatti seguendo questo pattern ma apportando alcune modifiche per fare i gattini invece dell'orso. Per fare la coda ho avviato un magic ring di 7 sc e poi ho continuato a fare sc finché non era della lunghezza desiderata. In mano tengono due tazze di cioccolata calda.
This Kittens were made for the contest organized by for S. Valentine day. I made them following this pattern with some changes to make the cats instead of the bear. For the tail I made a magic ring of 7 sc and then I went on doing sc until the tail was long enough. They're holding two hot chocolate cups.
Le orecchie sono fatte così:
This is the pattern for the ears:
1-magic ring 4sc
2-sc, inc ,sc ,inc (6sc)
3-2sc, inc, 2sc, inc (8sc)
4-3sc, inc, 3sc, inc (10sc)
Finish off

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